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Magazine Plazza

Want to make a fresh and functional Joomla magazine/news portal site? Magazine Plazza is the answer. This new template is designed to fullfill your needs of a fresh, clean, and flexible template for your joomla portal.
This template brings alot of features (listed below) and also equipped with two additional "news presentation type" joomla modules, Nice Frontpage and Lated NewsPlusDate, that will enrich your joomla site looks and also make your joomla site to be more functional.
With the template on this one you can change the look of your joomla be as if your blog is a yahoo site. In magazine_plazza file has been equipped with addon and PSD files that will facilitate you in the process of editing your template. Equipped with modules such as latest news updates, nice front page, the menu tp, tp box, and also comes with a module file bookmark us make this template is complete. These templates allow you to either joomla software version 1.0 or version 1.5. To be able to use it please you download the template here


  1. saiia gag ngerti joomla kang :( keren sii tuh template nya :)

  2. wah kang, sbnarnya ada jgk sech template seperti ini yg buat blogger :D tinggal sebisanya kita edit" nya :D

  3. wah kalo itu saya kurang tau persisnya gan. tapi mohon dicobak saja dlu. mungkin ini support gan :)

  4. mau nanya nih mas kalo buat judul sidebar kayak popular post di blog ini bisa berbeda warna gimana caranya ,ditunggu jawabanya mas (inspirasiqu76@yahoo.com

    1. Ouwh Judul sidebar itu ya mas . .
      kalo gitu ditunggu aja yah mas Tutorial nya ntar saya Share :D

  5. mas saya mau nanya ne.. gimana caranya buat sidebar kyk tmplate punya nya mas ini, kalau kemenu home sidebarnya kanan dan kiri,namun kalau lihat postingan sidebarnya ada 2 sebelah kanan saja, mohon pencerahanya mas,mohon dipostingkan ya mas.. ditunggu postingannya mas... thanks...

    1. wah itu toh mas. kalo itu sih susah buat di jelasin mas. tapi ntar dech dicobak untuk membuatkan tutorial nya :D


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